”Reflections” Munich Photography Competition 2024

In 2024, an amateur photography competition was held with the theme “Reflections.” It gave non-professional photographers a chance to showcase their creativity. The 20 winners were announced at a special open evening at the Wunderlocke venue, where guests gathered to celebrate their unique and inspiring photos.

Here below, you can see the winning photos, as well as offline exhibition at the hotel WunderLocke in Munich.

Junko Yokota
Name of the photo: Serenity in the Bayou
Website: https://JunkoYokota.com
Instagram: @junko.yokota

Margritta Jodscheit
Name of the photo: Butterfly

Junko Yokota
Name of the photo: Get Lost Here
Website: https://JunkoYokota.com
Instagram: @junko.yokota

Daria Karunakaran
Name of the photo: A world of crooked mirrors
Description: Everyday life can be seen in different perspectives.
Some of them are crooked.
Website: https://lookaroundyou.me

Sofiia Polishchuk
Name of the photo: Silent Reflection
Description: The image translates the calmness of one’s mind and the feeling of tranquility.

Name of the photo: Man Sitting in Tate Modern

Nishard Ghouse
Name of the photo: Captured
Description: Pastel 70’s Oktoberfest
Instagram: @shotby17

Nasim Farahani
Name of the photo: Between Light and shadow
Description: Find yourself in the reflection between light and shado
Instagram: @__nassim.farahani__

Marco Herrmann
Name of the photo: Portrait of a Portrait
Description: Taking a photo while my wife takes one of us in the reflecting window.

Gabi Breitenbach:
Name of the photo: Space ship landing in Venice
Description: The photo was taken in 2024 at the Art Biennale in Venice at the German Pavillion. I was fascinated by the mysterious atmosphere of the scenery. The reflections on the floor contribute to the scene by adding a sense of infinity. At the core of the piece is a spaceship designed to transport people from Earth to a better world. The journey aboard the spaceship becomes an immersive experience: By lying down on one of the cushions and looking up at the ceiling, viewers can embark on the voyage themselves. The visitors present in the photo prefer to take part by taking photos. The work “Light to the Nations” – was created by Israeli artist Yael Bartana. It is a sci-fi utopia that could also be a dystopia – Bartana doesn’t commit to either interpretation.
Instagram: @missgolightly
Website: gabibreitenbach.net

Nishard Ghouse
Name of the photo: Neon Nights
Description: “Life is only a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see”.
Instagram: @shotby17

Name of the photo: The blend

Name of the photo: Hopfensee at Night

Emanuel Ramneantu
Name of the photo: Too Blanc
Description: Late summer view of Mont Blanc after a hike.
Instagram: @ramneantuemanuel

Theo Gieschen
Name of the photo: Playing Janggi in the heart of Seoul

Chris Ditzen
Name of the photo: On the road

Aymeric Galan
Name of the photo: Running Between Worlds
Description: This image features a running silhouette at the intersection of an imperfectly reflected sky. The outcome reflection creates a surrealist impression of a passage from a world of light to darkness, without the need of any montage. The viewer is then left with the question: what world would you pick?
Instagram: @agalanphoto

Theo Gieschen
Name of the photo: Sunrise at Salar de Uyuni

Reno Terb
Name of the photo: Den Haag (Binnenhof, Parlament und Regierung der
Website: sml-fotoclub.de

Thomas Engelmeier
Name of the photo: Me and you, 100 times…